Vol. 12 No. 66 (2023)

Psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality

Mykyta Igorovich Babchuk
«South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.
Olena Grigoriivna Babchuk
«South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.
Yuliia Asieieva
Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine.
Oksana Vdovichenko
«South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.
Iryna Melnychuk
«South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.

Published 2023-07-30


  • perfectionism, personality, physical perfectionism, levels of physical perfectionism, self-image, physical self-image, well-being.

How to Cite

Babchuk, M. I., Babchuk, O. G., Asieieva, Y., Vdovichenko, O., & Melnychuk, I. (2023). Psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 163–174. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.16


The article examines the psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality. Physical perfectionism refers to a system of personal beliefs and attitudes related to one's physical appearance: heightened preoccupation with one's appearance and the pursuit of high body standards, striving for the best results in the pursuit of an ideal figure, as well as a pathological attitude towards any critical remarks about one's appearance. The formation of the «I-physical image» is influenced by socio-psychological factors and represents a dual process. On the one hand, it is the influence of society expressed in judgments, thoughts, perceptions, stereotypes, and ideals. On the other hand, it is the independent reflection and awareness of one's own criteria of body significance. The aim of the study is to determine the individual psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The object of study is the physical perfectionism of personality. The following methods were chosen to achieve the goal: theoretical-methodological analysis, psychodiagnostic, and mathematical-statistical methods. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the methods: «Physical Perfectionism Scale» and «I - Structural Test of the Ammon». The main task was to study the psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The conducted correlation analysis allowed us to identify significant relationships between indicators of physical perfectionism and indicators of «I-functions». Using the «axes» method, two groups of individuals with high and low levels of physical perfectionism were selected from the general group. In order to identify individual psychological characteristics, a qualitative analysis of property profiles in the corresponding groups was carried out. The obtained results of our study allow providing a psychological characterization of individuals who differ in the level of physical perfectionism and considering them as individuals endowed with a complex of personality traits that accompany a set of pronounced «I-functions».


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