Published 2023-07-30
- distance education, countries of the European Union, innovative level of education, European Association of Distance Learning Universities, European dimension.
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The article describes the experience of distance education in the education system of the countries of the European Union for the introduction of a new innovative level of education quality in the European dimension. The main characteristics of distance education are highlighted: learning at an individual pace, in a convenient format, in any city, at a convenient time; flexible pedagogical and educational frameworks that respond sensitively to internal and external changes; consideration by education of students' ability levels, various learning styles, interests, needs, and experience. Various technological tools of modern distance education and the main possibilities of intensive development of distance education in the education system of the European Union countries are considered. The role of the European Association of Distance Learning Universities is shown. The requested educational projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ program was analyzed. The regimes in which distance education can be carried out in the education system of the countries of the European Union are listed.
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