Universities in the process of co-working with the labor market





employability, employment status, professional insertion, tertiary education.


The current research focuses on investigating several generations of graduates to observe the level of absorption of graduates in the labor market in the context of improvements in educational policies. A longitudinal research design was used, a panel study with a prospective design. The research method was a questionnaire-based social survey. The results show that there are significant generational differences regarding the level of assimilation in the labor market, the degree of employment in the field of studies, and the level of satisfaction of the participants. Gender differences were observed in the timing of participants' jobs. Also, labor market absorption is dependent on the field of study, despite educational policies.


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Author Biographies

Ioana Turcas, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brasov, Romania.

Ph.D. Student, Department of Marketing, Tourism, and International Business. Faculty of Economics, and Business Administration, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brasov, Romania.

Daniela Popa, Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania.

Teacher Training Department, Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education, Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania.

Catalin Maican, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.

Ph.D., Management and Economic Informatics Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.

Brenda-Andreea Mușa (Piuaru), Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.

Ph.D. Student, Department of Marketing, Tourism and International Business, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.

Monica Claudia Grigoroiu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.

Ph.D. Student, Department of Marketing, Tourism and International Business, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Transilvania University of Brasov, Colina Universității, Brașov, Romania.


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How to Cite

Turcas, I., Popa, D., Maican, C., Mușa (Piuaru), B.-A., & Grigoroiu, M. C. (2023). Universities in the process of co-working with the labor market. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 330–340. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.31


