Vol. 12 No. 63 (2023)

Digital education hubs in medical higher education: Ukraine and the EU perspectives

Hanna Budko
Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Tetyana Ivakhniuk
Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Yurii Ivakhniuk
Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Inna Plakhtiienko
Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Yaroslav Tsekhmister
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Published 2023-04-30


  • digitalization of education, medical education, digital education hub, educa-tional content.

How to Cite

Budko, H., Ivakhniuk, T., Ivakhniuk, Y., Plakhtiienko, I., & Tsekhmister, Y. (2023). Digital education hubs in medical higher education: Ukraine and the EU perspectives. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 233–242. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.22


The digital hub for the medical university is the embodiment of a synergetic model of the educational system. It is an educational and me-thodical arsenal forms the content of the digital hubs. It is also an organiza-tional model that focuses on the use of information and communication technologies. The purpose of this scientific research is to examine two fun-damental elements of the digital hub in medical education: logistics and teaching. The methodology of comparative analysis that is used is closely re-lated to the synergetic principles of the modern scientific paradigm. This way we can see different levels of effectiveness of digital educational hubs in Ukraine and Europe in the training of future medical professionals. The reason is significantly higher rates of integrative factors in European educational hubs, compared to Ukrainian counterparts. Thus, filing hubs make up the in-formation and digital space of Ukrainian higher medical education. European counterparts have already integrated the potential of the digital hub not only in the educational space but also in the clinical environment.


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