Vol. 12 No. 63 (2023)

Efficiency of managing regional economic development in wartime (Ukrainian experience)

Maryna Medvedieva
State Higher Education Establishment "Donetsk National Technical University", Ukraine.
Svitlana Oneshko
Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.
Oksana Roik
“Lviv Polytechnic” National University, Ukraine.
Ihor Yaremko
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.
Viкtoriya Khudaverdiyeva
State Biotechnological University (SBTU), Ukraine.

Published 2023-04-30


  • regional development, capital investments, regional economy, gross regional product, development potential.

How to Cite

Medvedieva, M., Oneshko, S., Roik, O., Yaremko, I., & Khudaverdiyeva, V. (2023). Efficiency of managing regional economic development in wartime (Ukrainian experience). Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 214–223. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.20


Each state has its own regional peculiarities, just as each state should take all possible measures to ensure the uniform and efficient economic development of each of its regions, in accordance with the existing potential and the infrastructure already in place. In order to develop measures for effective management of the economic development of regions, it is necessary to conduct a retrospective analysis of statistical data, which will allow to identify the peculiarities of their current financial condition and group them by the degree of development. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to determine the optimal approaches to ensuring the effectiveness of regional economic development management, taking into account the martial law in Ukraine.
The performance of regional enterprises, investment volumes and output are largely determined by market mechanisms and incentives that support concentration processes and lead to the growth of spatial disparities within Ukraine. The uneven development of regions, especially under martial law, may exacerbate social and demographic problems, which will complicate economic recovery after the end of hostilities.
The study identified the main directions of regional development, according to their belonging to a particular cluster, and formulated recommendations aimed at improving the economic efficiency of the regions.


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