Vol. 12 No. 63 (2023)

Prospects for the transformation of the domestic law enforcement system in the conditions of russian aggression

Oleksii M. Skriabin
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Professor, Doctor of legal sciences, Professor of the department of civil and economic law of the Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.

Oleksandr M. Kurakin
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Professor, Doctor of legal sciences, Dean of the Faculty Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.

Dmytro S. Slinko
Lviv University of Business and Law, Lviv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate Professor, Doctor of Law, Professor Lviv University of Business and Law, Lviv, Ukraine.

Andrii O. Rybalkin
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate Professor, Candidate of legal sciences, Director of the Luhansk Educational and Scientific Institute named after E.O. Dydorenko of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

Artem O. Shapar
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD of Law, Associate Professor Deputy Director for Educational and Research Activities of the Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.

Published 2023-04-30


  • law enforcement system, reforms, threats, russian aggression, state institutions, Ukraine.

How to Cite

Skriabin, O. M., Kurakin, O. M., Slinko, D. S., Rybalkin, A. O., & Shapar, A. O. (2023). Prospects for the transformation of the domestic law enforcement system in the conditions of russian aggression. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 164–174. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.15


Russian aggression has a direct impact on the Ukrainian law enforcement system, because it is a direct threat to the security and integrity of the state. The paper aims to determine effective means of transformation of the law enforcement system of Ukraine in the conditions of russian aggression. On the basis of a systematic analysis of theoretical information, the main threats to the law enforcement system of Ukraine were determined: direct, caused by russian aggression, hybrid and internal. At the current stage, some reforms of the law enforcement system have been implemented: creation of the National Police, an anti-corruption body, the SOCTA methodology for combating organized crime has been implemented, the "PRAVO-Police" program has been implemented, as well as martial law has been implemented. The following issues require further resolution: ineffective personnel policy and low level of trust in law enforcement officers, use of outdated work methods in the law enforcement system. The solution of these issues is possible through the following measures: the introduction of modern technologies, the use of artificial intelligence and extensive data in the law enforcement sphere. This will increase the level of security of the state, citizens and civil society institutions.


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