Vol. 12 No. 63 (2023)

Peculiarities of the manifestation of psychological barriers in the development of creative abilities in young teenagers of Ukraine and China

Liu Yan
State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Graduate student, State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.

Published 2023-04-30


  • psychological barriers, young adolescents, creativity, creative abilities, teenagers.

How to Cite

Yan, L. (2023). Peculiarities of the manifestation of psychological barriers in the development of creative abilities in young teenagers of Ukraine and China. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 53–66. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.5


Our work is aimed at studying peculiarities of the manifestation of psychological barriers in the development of creative abilities in younger teenagers of Ukraine and China. The object of study is the mental states and abilities of young adolescents. The research methods: theoretical – analysis, generalization and systematization of theoretical approaches and empirical results; empirical – observation, conversation, analysis of activity products, testing and mathematical and statistical methods. In the scientific literature, it has long been recognized that the development of creative abilities has a significant impact on the formation of a personality, in particular, its opportunities for self-actualization increase. It is especially important to develop the creative abilities of children who are just forming as individuals. This paper presents the results of its own research and provides a comparative analysis of the manifestation of psychological barriers in the development of creative abilities in young adolescents of the Ukrainian and Chinese sample groups made it possible to reveal that the most evident barriers in the young adolescents of the Ukrainian sample group are self-doubt, lack of interest, fear of making a mistake, reluctance to take risks, and among the young teenage Chinese sample group – lack of interest, fear of being unsuccessful at school, reluctance to take risks, and fear of losing friends. However we can observe that in both sample groups there are the same barriers, which are related to the specifics of the development of children of this age and the leading activities of children in young adolescence.


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