Vol. 12 No. 62 (2023)

Public official as a victim of criminal assault: comparative approach

Andrii Borovyk
Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and humanities (Rivne, Ukraine).
Iryna Tkachenko
National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Yuliia Danylevska
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine).
Serhii Pavelkiv
Demianchuk International University of Economics and humanities (Rivne, Ukraine).

Published 2023-03-30


  • criminal offense, criminal liability, authority of government bodies, assault, compensation for damage caused by criminal offense, victim.

How to Cite

Borovyk, A., Tkachenko, I., Danylevska, Y., & Pavelkiv, S. (2023). Public official as a victim of criminal assault: comparative approach. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 282–292. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.28


This research paper aims to analyze criminal liability for assaulting law enforcement agents in different jurisdictions. A comparative approach is used to examine relevant criminal law provisions of several countries, including the United States, England, Germany, Canada, and Ukraine. The methodology combines statistical methods and comparative research to provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis. The most important findings indicate that some countries protect both public officials and law enforcement agents from illegal attacks, while others have a special liability regime for assaulting or threatening police officers only. In particular, it is argued that the Ukrainian approach is more balanced compared to other jurisdictions. Overall, the document provides a complete and detailed insight into criminal liability for assaulting law enforcement agents in various parts of the world.


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