Vol. 12 No. 62 (2023)

Features of training specialists using innovative approaches

Inna Knysh
National Academy of Management, Ukraine.
Liubomyra Tiahur
National Aviation University, Ukraine.
Victoria Ivanova
Mukachevo State University, Ukraine.
Yelena Vasiutynska
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Kateryna Shovsh
Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine.

Published 2023-03-30


  • innovations, training of specialists, innovative approaches, pedagogical technologies, pedagogical process of a higher school.

How to Cite

Knysh, I., Tiahur, L., Ivanova, V., Vasiutynska, Y., & Shovsh, K. (2023). Features of training specialists using innovative approaches. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 230–239. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.23


The article examines the peculiarities of training specialists through the use of innovative approaches. The article shows the methodological concept of purposeful formation of competitive specialists in the process of professional training, which represents the main innovative approaches to the study of the problem of training specialists. The purpose of the research is revealed, in which the peculiarities of the training of specialists using innovative approaches are revealed. Two types of these approaches to high-quality training of specialists are identified. The innovative approach in education is considered through the use of the proposed model and through the ability to design and model the programmed educational process in a higher education institution with the mandatory application of various innovative approaches. The authors highlight the main components of educational innovation in the article. Prospective directions of educational innovation are highlighted. The necessity of applying innovative approaches in the system of education of future specialists is proven and the need for active assimilation of educational information is shown, the development of key competencies, professional growth and ensuring the competitiveness of future specialists on the labor market in the modern world are proven. The main innovative technologies in education, which have recently been introduced into the practice of higher education, are considered.


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