Vol. 12 No. 62 (2023)

Features of legal regulation of franchise agreement in Spain

Volodymyr Bobryk
National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Karmaza
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Vitalii Makhinchuk
National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Andriy Tsvyetkov
National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Sergii Koroied
National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine.

Published 2023-03-30


  • franchising, franchise agreement, franchisor, franchisee, pre-contract disclosure duty.

How to Cite

Bobryk, V., Karmaza, O., Makhinchuk, V., Tsvyetkov, A., & Koroied, S. (2023). Features of legal regulation of franchise agreement in Spain. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 189–196. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.18


The purpose of the article is to study features of legal regulation of franchise agreement in Spain. Research methodology. The research is based on the use of general scientific and special-scientific approaches such as dialectical, abstraction and generalization, logical, system analysis, historical and legal method, comparative and legal, logical analysis. Research results. Among the EU Member States, which have adopted special acts regulating franchise agreement issues, Spain is especially notable for its Royal Decree 201/2010, which regulates the procedure for concluding franchise agreement in detail. Practical implication. It is stated that there is statutory provision on pre-contractual disclosure in Spain, the main purpose of which is to protect a potential franchisee by providing him with the relevant information. Value /originality. This scientific work is the first research in Ukraine devoted to the characteristics of franchise agreement in a separate country (in Spain).


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