Integrating mobile assisted language learning (MALL) into EFL classes at a tertiary level




Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Academic Writing, Writing Competence.


Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) practices have gained increasing popularity thanks to the advancements in mobile technologies. Accordingly, a growing number of initiatives have been taken to integrate it into language learning process. However, a gap in the literature has been observed to measure the effects of MALL on students’ writing competence at a tertiary level in Iraq. To this aim, it was sought to pinpoint the influence of MALL on 60 Language Preparatory School students’ writing competence at TISHK International University by employing snowball sampling technique within 12 weeks in 2021-2022 Academic Year. The study was conducted in an Academic Writing course that required the students to write an essay weekly. The data were collected via exams, a questionnaire, an interview and a survey which were analyzed either by SPSS 23. or MAXQDA software applications in this mixed methods design study. Control group students received a traditional instruction, while experimental group students were trained based on the procedure of MALL. The findings unearthed that MALL practices increased students’ marks dramatically, boosted students’ motivation and increased students’ overall attitudes towards learning English. The findings of this study can have some implications for the educators who consider the implementation of MALL practices at educational institutions.


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Author Biography

Hur Mustafa Yucedal, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil/Iraq.

Ma, Instructor, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil/Iraq.


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How to Cite

Yucedal, H. M. (2023). Integrating mobile assisted language learning (MALL) into EFL classes at a tertiary level. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 92–104.


