The peculiarities of «welcoming the guests – ?? » in Kazakh and Chinese linguoculture




national code, linguacultural, custom, greeting, etiquette, communication, mentality, phenomenon.


Deep ties between China and Kazakhstan date back to ancient times. Starting from the ancient period of the Huns, Yuxin and the era of the independent Kazakh Khanate, under Abylai Khan, relations between the Kazakhs and the Chinese took place within the framework of political and diplomatic relations. The researchers’ works are limited to considering the differences and peculiarities between the Kazakh and Chinese languages, omitting the cultural spectrum of bilateral exchanges. This article describes the linguistic and cultural features of the concept of «welcoming the guests - ?? / hàokè» in the Kazakh and Chinese languages. The norms of language etiquette based on respect and honor are used in the expression of customs and traditions. In addition to mastering a foreign language, knowledge of intercultural communication has a special place in the communication with representatives of various countries. Any nation has its own history of development, mentality, way of life and customs. Proper application of the rules and laws of language etiquette leads to a favorable and optimal outcome of communication between the interlocutors. The etiquette of «welcoming the guests – ?? / hàokè» in the Kazakh and Chinese languages refers to a set of etiquette based on ancient customs and traditions.


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Author Biographies

Anar Ibraimova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ph.D. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oriental Studies Faculty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Rauan Dossymbekova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Oriental Studies Faculty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ph.D. Acting Assistant Professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Oriental Studies Faculty, Republic of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Ibraimova, A., & Dossymbekova, R. (2023). The peculiarities of «welcoming the guests – ?? » in Kazakh and Chinese linguoculture. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 165–172.


