Published 2022-12-30
- cybersecurity, fake, information security culture, information influence of Russia, protection of personal data.
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The article analyzes the modern challenges of the time, which shape the information security policy of Ukraine. The paper analyzes the approaches to the definition of information security to understand this concept. Conclusions are made that information security is a constant movement, changeable, versatile concept, which cannot be stable. The article studies the information security of Ukraine as a component in the system of international information security. It is established that in the conditions of war, the role of information security of Ukraine in the international community has sharply increased. Ukraine's policy in the sphere of economic security is clearly marked in its legislation and meets the challenges of our time. The article presents a list of the main threats to the information security of the country: threats to independence and sovereignty through hybrid, information warfare by the aggressor state Russia, threats in the systems of the interaction of state bodies, threats related to the media, threats due to the lack of awareness and culture of information security among the population. Conclusions are made that future cases in the field of information security will be related to the elimination of threats. A list of goals for achieving information security is presented.
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