The improvement of the institution of railway transportation in the context of modern challenges




railway transport, natural monopolies, freight and passenger transport markets, digitalization, passenger traffic.


Globalization transformations and the military aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the blocking of seaports, have significantly changed the sphere of railway transportation. On the one hand, there were new tasks for the railway as one of the transport options for the export/import of products and the organization of passenger transportation, and on the other hand, the need to bring legislative regulation in accordance with European requirements. Therefore, in this context, it is important to analyze the possibilities for improving the institution of railway transport, to pay attention to the problematic aspects and nuances of railway work. The purpose of the work is to study the prospects for improving railway transportation in modern conditions and to consider problematic issues and challenges related to railway communication. The research methods are the dialectical method, the logical method, the concrete-historical method, the comparative-legal method, the formal-dogmatic method, the method of functional-structural analysis and theoretical-pragmatic analysis. As a result of the research, the current state of the railway industry in Ukraine was analyzed. The peculiarities of investment, the dynamics of passenger traffic, the volume of cargo transportation, and the consequences of the war on the territory of Ukraine for Ukrainian railways are considered.


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Author Biographies

Rostyslav Sirko, Chernivtsi Institute of International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence in Chernivtsi Institute of International Humanitarian University, Director of Chernivtsi Institute of International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.

Lesya Kyslyak, National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Law and Humanities of Ivano-Frankivsk Educational and Scientific Law Institute of the National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Oleh Beznosiuk, National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Law and Humanities of Ivano-Frankivsk Educational and Scientific Law Institute of the National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Mykhaylo Bodnarchuk, National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics of Ivano-Frankivsk Educational and Scientific Law Institute of the National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Sirko, R., Kyslyak, L., Beznosiuk, O., & Bodnarchuk, M. (2022). The improvement of the institution of railway transportation in the context of modern challenges. Amazonia Investiga, 11(60), 197–205.


