Vol. 11 No. 60 (2022)

Framework of national security actors of Ukraine in the context of European integration

Iryna Nakonechna
National Academy of Security Service of  Ukraine.  
Andrii Blahodarnyi
National Academy of  Security Service of  Ukraine.
Liudmyla Servatiuk
National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine.  
Vitalii Makarchuk
Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine.  
Vasyl Kobko
Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Published 2022-12-30


  • actors, European integration, national security, protection, security, system.

How to Cite

Nakonechna, I., Blahodarnyi, A., Servatiuk, L., Makarchuk, V., & Kobko, V. (2022). Framework of national security actors of Ukraine in the context of European integration. Amazonia Investiga, 11(60), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.60.12.5


The aim of the article is to identify the system of actors for ensuring Ukraine’s national security in the context of European integration. The subject matter is entities providing national security. Methodology. The methodological base for the Article is the combination of tools and approaches of scientific knowledge, in particular: dialectical, examination, systematic, systemic, structured and operational, historic law, relative, comprehensive. Research results. It is determined that “system” is a certain aggregate, which consists of a certain multitude of elements between which a relationship exists to achieve the objectives. Practical meaning. It is established that the framework of actors implementing national security of Ukraine in the context of European integration is a complex symbiotic and interdependent legal entity, an element of the system of its provision and a component of the corresponding administrative and legal sheme, which is objectified by the totality of state authorities and individual non-state subjects, which implement measures provided for by legislation to create in Ukraine. Value/originality. It is proven that ensuring national security with regard to the European integration in the institutional aspect has two dimensions: on the one hand management and implementation, and on the other – promotion.


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