Published 2022-12-15
- English-language competence in monologue-presentation, future designers, non-linguistic higher educational institutions, professionally-oriented learning of foreign languages, system of exercises.
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This paper offers the methodic of professionally-oriented English-language competence formation (POELCF) in monologue-presentation (MP) of future designers (FD). The relevance of the research is determined by social order of society to train professionals capable for professional foreign-language communication; the contradiction between the specified program documents requirements and current state of English-language learning in Ukraine; the need of future designers to have professionally-oriented English-language-monologue for effective foreign-language communication. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the developed and experimentally tested methodic. We can outline the results of the present study: the peculiarities of the POELCF are defined, which are founded the base of the corresponding Methodology; the author’s system of exercises for learning the monologue-presentation-report, monologue-presentation-advertising; the definition of monologue-presentation is proposed as the target type of monologue utterance of future designers; linguistic analysis of the “monologue-presentation” discourse was conducted; checking experiment results are submitted. We make a conclusion: monologue-presentation is the most demanded and convenient target type of monologue broadcasting of future designers, who are capable to rebuild our Motherland after the War against Russian invaders and consolidate all European community.
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