The impact of digital learning resources on developing the educational process for faculty members at the PAAET




Digital learning resources; Digital resources; Educational process; the quality of scientific research; PAAET.


The study aimed to identify the impact of digital learning resources on the development of the educational process for faculty members at the PAAET, and its role in developing the academic capabilities of faculty members, including the areas of academic advancement and the quality of scientific research in the international publishing observatories, where the study applied the curriculum standards survey descriptive; The questionnaire was applied as a main tool to measure the impact of digital learning resources on the development of the educational process for faculty members through a sample of (78) faculty members from various disciplines. The study concluded that digital learning resources are one of the most important sources for developing the educational process for faculty members. Teaching, whether at the level of scientific research or academic promotion, with its active role in the development of the educational process. The study recommended the need to expand the use of faculty members for digital learning resources, with the need to intensify training courses and workshops in this field, with the need to develop policies and decisions related to their field of work, which In turn, it enhances the development of the educational process.


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Author Biography

Nourah F. S. A. Alazemi, Ministry of Education, State of Kuwait.

Dr. School Manager, Ministry of Education, State of Kuwait.


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How to Cite

Alazemi, N. F. S. A. (2022). The impact of digital learning resources on developing the educational process for faculty members at the PAAET. Amazonia Investiga, 11(59), 54–63.


