Published 2022-11-30
- digitalization, crimes, drug trafficking, drugs, precursors.
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An essential component of the activity of law enforcement units is combating crimes in the field of drug trafficking. In the conditions of digitalization, significant attention is paid to the digitalization of methods of combating crimes in this field. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the international legal experience of digitalization of methods of combating crimes in the field of drug trafficking. The research methodology includes such methods as theoretical methods (identification and resolution of contradictions, problem statement, hypothesis creation, analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretization), empirical methods (survey, monitoring, experiment, observation, measurement, survey, testing), methods of direct data collection (interviews, questionnaires), methods of information processing and analysis (method of generalizing indicators, method of correlation analysis). As a result of the study, the problematic issues of the international practice of digitization of methods of combating crimes in the field of drug trafficking are outlined.
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