Vol. 11 No. 57 (2022)

Matrix method of reflecting activity in the digital twin of the social system

Mikhail V. Samosudov
The State University of Management, Russia, Moscow.
Author Biography

Doctor of Science in Economics, The State University of Management, Russia, Moscow.

Pavel P. Bagrin
The State University of Management, Russia, Moscow.
Author Biography

General Director of LLC “Trading House "Smartves" The State University of Management, Russia, Moscow.

Published 2022-11-08


  • digital twin of company, digital twin of social system, comprehensive mathematical agent-based model of social system, simulation model of social system, economy digitalization, digital transformation, resource and functional approach, active system.

How to Cite

Samosudov, M. V., & Bagrin, P. P. (2022). Matrix method of reflecting activity in the digital twin of the social system. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 181–188. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.19


The paper considers the approach to solving the problem of exact reflection of processes taking place in the company in the digital twin of the social system – not only technological and production ones but also the processes of interaction between subjects. The approach presented is the development aimed at the creation of the digital twin of the comprehensive mathematical model of the social system functioning in the active environment. Due to the presentation of agents’ actions as the transformation act of the resource base controlled by them, there appeared an opportunity to use multidimensional matrixes reflecting the phase transition of the social system resource base for solving the problem of process fixation. Combined with the calculation, the probabilities of a human to perform certain conditioned matrix actions reflecting resource transformations allow the digital twin to forecast the activity results, calculate deviations from the target trajectory of the system motion and calculate the required control actions. The novelty lies in the activity representation as a multidimensional matrix. As an example, the paper considers the use of three-dimensional matrix but the possible need in using matrixes of larger dimensionality is pointed out.


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