Vol. 11 No. 57 (2022)

The case-law from the ECHR regarding the compensation of moral damage to the employee

Olha Ivanivna Panchenko
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Author Biography

Ph.D in Law, Senior Researcher, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Doctorate and Post-graduate Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Published 2022-11-08


  • ECHR, Convention, case-law, discrimination, dismissal, labor rights.

How to Cite

Panchenko, O. I. (2022). The case-law from the ECHR regarding the compensation of moral damage to the employee. Amazonia Investiga, 11(57), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.57.09.5


The purpose of the article is to study the practice by the ECHR regarding reimbursement for moral harm caused to the employee. The subject matter of research is moral damage. Methodology. The methodological bases for the Article are: general scientific, systematic methods, method of descent from the abstract to the concrete, sociological and legal research method, method of generalizing judicial practice, etc. Research results. The judgments by the ECHR on compensation for moral damage to employees, which was caused as a result of discrimination, dismissal due to a strike, because of the statement in the media, political beliefs, based on gender and due to illness, were considered. Practical meaning. It was proven that since the rights of the second generation (which include labor rights) are not reflected in the Convention, a person has no right to apply for their protection to the Court. This is possible only if other fundamental rights were affected during the violation of labor rights. Value/originality. The use of case-law from the ECHR in the process of researching the institution of compensation for moral damage to an employee will contribute to the development of its use in law enforcement activities and the dissemination of the experience of equitable reimbursement as a way to protect the violated rights and legitimate interests of workers in Ukrainian realities.


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