Published 2022-11-08
- Medical errors. Medical crimes. Medical malpractice. Problems of proving medical malpractice. Investigation of medical crimes.
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In the article, the authors identified the main reasons for the low level of investigation of medical crimes in Ukraine based on the analysis of 78 criminal cases of medical malpractice considered by courts since 2013, the study of statistical information, scientific literature on the problems of investigating medical crimes, national legislation. It was concluded there are significant problems with the investigation of medical crimes in Ukraine. Less than one percent of the number of initiated criminal cases is sent to court. Most of the cases sent to court end with a guilty verdict, however, medical workers are released from real deprivation or restriction of freedom for various reasons. According to the specialties of medical workers, the most criminogenic are obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, anesthesiology, and emergency care for injuries and internal diseases. Methods of committing medical crimes are associated with using incorrect methods of providing medical care and with the untimely or incorrect diagnosis of the disease. The problems of investigating medical crimes in Ukraine are due to a number of reasons, including the closeness of the results of the post-mortem examination of the corpse to relatives of the deceased, the lack of independent forensic medical examination institutions in Ukraine, and gaps in the legal regulation of the protection of medical records from unauthorized access. This greatly complicates the establishment of a causal relationship between the actions or inaction of medical workers and the negative consequences that have occurred.
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