Vol. 11 No. 56 (2022)

Innovative elements in distance learning in a multicultural environment

Svitlana Koda
Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ukraine.
Dinara Turkpenova
Orenburg state university, Russian.
Svitlana Kyrylenko
Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Valentyna Malyk
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Alla Lukіianchuk
Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuing Professional Education, Ukraine.

Published 2022-10-18


  • distance learning, ICT in education, innovative educational strategies, multicultural space, Moodle.

How to Cite

Koda, S., Turkpenova, D., Kyrylenko, S., Malyk, V., & Lukіianchuk A. (2022). Innovative elements in distance learning in a multicultural environment. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 232–239. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.23


Scientific and technological innovations in education actually complete the process of establishing distance learning as an independent educational format. Information and digital cluster forms specific educational components in different socio-cultural dimensions, one of which is multiculturalism. Scientific exploration aims to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of scientific and technological innovations in the multicultural educational environment through the actualization of distance learning. The objectives are to investigate the transformation of educational strategies of multicultural space, which are updated online thanks to the ICT-potential. The article uses general scientific, pedagogical, culturological, and philosophical methods of research. We see a characteristic feature of the study as methodological activity in the dynamics of the rapid socio-cultural development of modern education. Consequently, modern sociocultural space is characterized by diversity, which dictates education its development prospects, which are provided by scientific innovations and advanced technologies. Prospective areas of research are the direction of innovative dimensions to overcome the negative manifestations of distance learning and taking into account the multicultural nature of the educational environment.


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