Vol. 11 No. 56 (2022)

Digitalization of society: implications and perspectives in the context of the psycho-dimensionality of social reality / psychosynertics

V. Andrushchenko
National Pedagogical University names M.P. Drahomanov, Ukraine.
I. Yershova-Babenko
National Pedagogical University names M.P. Dragomanov, Ukraine.
D. Kozobrodova
CC «Alfalogia», Ukraine.
A. Seliverstova
International Humaniterian University, Ukraine.
I. Lysakova
National Pedagogical University names M.P. Dragomanov, Ukraine.

Published 2022-10-18


  • digitalization, digital society, digital transformation, psychosinergetics, psycho-dimensionality.

How to Cite

Andrushchenko, V., Yershova-Babenko, I., Kozobrodova, D., Seliverstova, A., & Lysakova, I. (2022). Digitalization of society: implications and perspectives in the context of the psycho-dimensionality of social reality / psychosynertics. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 183–195. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.19


The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of «digitalization» of modern society from the point of view of psychosynergistic approach, psycho-dimensionality of social reality as subjective association of people. The concept of «digitalization» is used mainly in scientific and philosophical publications where it is presented as a modern «world trend». The concept of «digitization» is associated with profound changes in the social life of a modern person who in the near future will be in a fully digital world where every aspect of his life will be deeply influenced by digital data: how people will communicate and relate to each other; how they will work, learn, stay healthy and participate in politics and the economy. The introduction of digital technologies promises, on the one hand, enormous benefits for better health, more efficient social mobility, more efficient use of energy, more business and more prosperous companies, etc. But it is also obvious that such a fundamental social transformation will have certain complexities of an individual, intra-psychic nature, i.e. that unexpected challenges and problems that did not exist before have already arisen and may arise further. The main theoretical base of the research are scientific and philosophical publications devoted to the problem of «digitization» and its influence on social life in English and Ukrainian languages. In the works of Ukrainian researchers, attention is mainly paid to economic and technological aspects of «digitalization», but we propose to solve this problem with transdisciplinary approach in which the efforts of scientists from different fields of knowledge (humanities, doctors, psychologists, representatives of computer sciences, etc.) will find general recommendations and regulations, which will help to adapt the person in new social conditions «digital society». One such transdisciplinary area could be psychosynergetics, as a post-non-classical area of knowledge that implements synergistic and other ideas.



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