Published 2022-10-18
- phraseological unit, inner world of the individual, semantic subgroups, metaphorization of phraseological units, expressiveness.
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The article is devoted to the definition of the peculiarities of the metaphorization of phraseological units to denote the inner world of a person in the Ukrainian language. The main purpose of the article is the definition of the peculiarities of phraseological units which denote the inner world of a person in the Ukrainian and English languages.The object of the investigation is the phraseological units expressing the feelings and emotions of a person (emotional phraseological unit).The methodology of the study was based on the cognitive-pragmatic and structural approaches, the descriptive method was used in the work, which made it possible to single out the studied units in the phraseological system of the Ukrainian and English languages and carry out their systematization. The linguistic study has demonstrated that, phraseological units (PhU) expressing human emotions and feelings (emotional phraseological units) in Ukrainian and English represent one of the most significant and expressive groups of phraseological fund units in the language system. Due to the linguistic ambiguity and diffuseness of emotions, one and the same phraseological unit can denote two or more subgroups, but this is not characteristic of all phraseological units. Thus, in the phraseological field "Emotions and human feelings" there are diffuse zones, the units of which are included in different semantic groups.The authors proved, that phraseological units based on physiological sensations, gestures, and facial expressions are generally similar in the two languages due to the weak fate of control on the part of the human, the universally felt nature, and the universal tendency to phraseologize metaphorical word combinations that call these sensations and gestures.
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