Published 2022-10-18
- e-learning, ESP, “International Law” students, oral skills, virtual communication.
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The paper revealed the outcomes of the research on the efficacy of the formation of ESP oral communication skills of “International Law” students who studied via online platforms in the period of the emergency state. The practical research was targeted to explore the issues of an appropriate organization for the efficient students’ online ESP oral communication skills formation and the advantages for their development provided by online ESP classes. Systematization and comparison of the data of placement and progress tests from the period of the offline academic process (September-November 2021) and the outcomes of online academic period (March-May 2022) were mathematically processed and presented. It was concluded that e-learning using online platforms does not impede the productive formation of ESP oral communicative skills by students, due to the organization of synchronous online communication between the lecturer and students in a remote format, providing students with genuine language practice, increasing their motivation by preparing for performing future professional duties in the virtual environment.
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