Published 2022-10-18
- criminological activity, non-governmental organizations, public organizations, public policy, State policy.
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The purpose of the article is to study the activities of non-governmental organizations as a constituent element of the policy in the area of combating crime. The methodology for the article consists of a system of the following methods: hermeneutics, scientific analysis, deduction and induction, systematic, categorical and etymological analysis, logical and semantic, formal and logical. Research results. The authors are convinced that criminological policy as a sub-system of policy in the area of fighting crime directly depends on the effectiveness and stability of the mechanism of implementation of criminological activities of non-governmental organizations. At the same time, according to the authors, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between “public policy” and “State policy” precisely at the expense of subject composition. Taking into account this criterion, public policy is broader than State policy. Practical implementation. It has been proven that when talking about the criminological activity of non-governmental organizations, it is appropriate to use the concept of public policy, because it is within its framework that the criminological activity of non-governmental organizations can be conducted. Value/originality. In the future, a promising direction of scientific research is the study of information and analytical support and scientific support of criminological activities of non-governmental organizations.
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