Vol. 11 No. 55 (2022)

Analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of "functional literacy"

Ludmila Khramova
Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute – branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
Olga Lobanova
Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute – branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
Larisa Shmulskaya
Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute – branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
Anna Firer
Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute – branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
Olga Efits
Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute – branch of Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Published 2022-10-14


  • functional literacy, mathematical literacy, reading literacy, financial literacy, natural science literacy.

How to Cite

Khramova, L., Lobanova, O., Shmulskaya, L., Firer, A., & Efits, O. (2022). Analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of "functional literacy". Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 297–305. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.31


The relevance of the article is due to the attention paid by the pedagogical community to the category of "functional literacy", the ambiguity of its interpretation in scientific research, the requirement to respond to the changing demand of society for the quality of education. Moreover, the results of a survey of practicing teachers indicate some difficulty in understanding functional literacy. The purpose of the study is to analyze conceptual approaches to defining the concept of "functional literacy" and develop a generalized model of the structural elements of functional literacy. To achieve this goal, a combination of general scientific methods was used: a descriptive method, including methods of comparison, interpretation and generalization; synchronous theoretical analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of "functional literacy" and its components; questioning; pedagogical forecasting; modeling. As a result of the study, conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of "functional literacy" were analyzed, the definition of the concept of "functional literacy" and its components – mathematical literacy, natural science literacy, reading literacy, financial literacy – was given. In the conclusions, the authors note that the analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of "functional literacy" and its components contributes to the improvement of the ways and mechanisms for the formation of functional literacy of students.


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