Vol. 11 No. 55 (2022)

Life insurance model: concept, structure and assessment of financial stability

Tatiana Odinokova
Ural State University of Economics, Russia.
Author Biography

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Economics, Russia.

Alexander Kharitonovich
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia.
Author Biography

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia.

Galina Morozova
Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia.
Author Biography

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia.

Evgenia Margilevskaya
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.
Author Biography

PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.

Raisa Timofeeva
Bashkir State University (Sterlitamak branch), Russia.
Author Biography

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Bashkir State University (Sterlitamak branch), Russia.

Published 2022-10-10


  • life insurance, life insurance model, financial stability.

How to Cite

Odinokova, T., Kharitonovich, A., Morozova, G., Margilevskaya, E., & Timofeeva, R. (2022). Life insurance model: concept, structure and assessment of financial stability. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 273–284. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.29


The Institute of Life Insurance is actively growing all over the world and especially in developing countries in order to provide an increase in the duration and quality of life of the population. The increasing role of life insurance in the economic and social sphere of the country requires a theoretical understanding of its place in the system of market relations and effective implementation. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological basis of life insurance, substantiate methodological approaches to its study in the context of a systematic approach through the prism of various models functioning. As a result of the study theoretical determinants of life insurance model are revealed, and a methodology for determining the financial stability of the applied life insurance model has been developed.


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