Vol. 11 No. 55 (2022)

Variety and action of soil microorganisms in diverse Ukraine climatic zones

Olha Shvets
State Biotechnological University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Postgraduate Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agronomy and Plant Protection State Biotechnological University, Ukraine.

Published 2022-10-10


  • ecosystem, microbiome, biodiversity, soil microorganisms, microbiocoenosis.

How to Cite

Shvets, O. (2022). Variety and action of soil microorganisms in diverse Ukraine climatic zones. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 256–264. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.27


The study aims to summarize the important results of the long-term studies of soil microorganisms: structure, interaction, functioning, activity, and diversity in the main types of soils in different natural and climatic zones of Ukraine.

Methods for the study are the generalization and analysis of literary sources and scientific papers, and materials, as well as our own research. The initial information for the assay’s calculations, matheanalysis were the resokution of many year discovering of soil microorganisms in the period 2005-2021.

The researches have shown a powerful action and diversity of soil microorganisms of the ecosystems. The Chernozem of the Steppe zone was characterized by a more stable and balanced structure of microbiocenosis, processes of mineralization-immobilization, decomposition of organic matter, and humus accumulation than the sod-podzolic, forest soils of Polesie.

Studies of soil microbiome showed a direct correlation between natural conditions and soil treatment methods and the activity of microbiocenoses, a decrease in the biodiversity of bacterial groups through the use of plowing. The increase in the proportion of micellar organisms occurred with the prolonged application of mineral fertilizers.


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