Published 2022-10-10
- organizational culture, higher education institution, institutional affiliation, educational space, professional identification.
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The purpose of the article is an empirical research and theoretical substantiation of students’ ideas about the actual and expected image of university corporate culture. Materials and research methods: valid psychodiagnostic tools made it possible to determine the content-related parameters of university corporate culture relevantly and compare the studied images; a correlation matrix was construct; reliability coefficients for the obtained data were applied. Results. Differences were identified in four types of actual and expected images of corporate culture: Closed (CT), Random (RT), Open (OT), and Synchronous (ST). The author established the prevalence of the closed type (CT) of the actual image of university corporate culture (t= -2.31; p<.05). An open type (OT) was recorded (t=2.41; p<.05) as an expected image of corporate culture. The interrelation between the parameters of students’ social expectations and the parameters of the types of the desired image corporate culture was fixed. Conclusions. Students’ ideas about the actual and expected images of university corporate culture are related to the parameters of social expectations and ascertain the self-regulatory readiness of respondents for future professional activity.
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