Vol. 11 No. 55 (2022)

Modernization of theoretical and practical aspects of the development of higher medical education in Ukraine

Lyudmyla Holomb
State University «Uzhhorod National University», Ukraine.
Author Biography

Asistent Head of the department of microbiology, virology and epidemiology with the course Infectious Diseases Medical Faculty State University «Uzhhorod National University», Ukraine.

Olexandr Rogachevskyi
Odessa National Medical University, Medical Faculty №1, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Chief of Department, PhD professor of economics, PhD of medicine Department of simulation medical technologies Odessa National Medical University, Medical Faculty №1, Ukraine.

Olena Karbovanets
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), docent Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Мedicine, department of microbiology, virology and epidemiology with a course of infectious diseases, Ukraine.

Olena Senkevych
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Assistant Professor (MD), Medical Faculty No.2, Department of Pediatrics № 2 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine.

Volodymyr Vivsyannuk
«Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine.
Author Biography

Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant department of Internal Medicine, Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine.

Published 2022-10-10


  • modernization, theory, practice, higher medical education, Ukraine.

How to Cite

Holomb, L., Rogachevskyi, O., Karbovanets, O., Senkevych, O., & Vivsyannuk, V. (2022). Modernization of theoretical and practical aspects of the development of higher medical education in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 163–171. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.17


The coronavirus pandemic has become a challenge for national health care systems, a global problem that has accelerated the processes of reforming medical education in many countries. The purpose of the article is to analyze the modernization of theoretical and practical aspects of the development of higher medical education in Ukraine. The research uses general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction) and specialized methods (prognostic, axiological). The results trace the transformation of the state regulation of higher medical education, the use of research methods in education, the use of modern teaching methods aimed at making the medical education sector in Ukraine more efficient. It has been proven that transformations in higher medical education were hampered due to a lack of funding. During 2015–2017, the first changes occurred: the "KROK" testing system, based on American samples was implemented. The latest teaching methods, updated in recent years, are also actively implemented in teaching practice. In the conclusions, it is noted that in the future, employers should play a more active role in the formation of educational programs, as is customary in the leading countries of the world. In Ukraine, due to the aggression of Russian troops and the destruction caused by them, the further commercialization of medical education may become an important trend for further development.


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