Published 2022-10-10
- success, professional training, students, higher education of the USA, modeling.
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The purpose of the article is to study the training of a successful person in the colleges and universities of the USA as a holistic process and to create a structural and functional model. The methods of retrospective analysis, systematization and generalization, abstraction and specification, modeling and graphic visualization are applied. A structural and functional model of successful person training in colleges and universities of the USA has been created. The focus groups of this process have been defined, in which the work is aimed at applicants, first-year students, second-fourth years students and a special category - students of the last year and graduates, as a significant part of students do not complete their studies on time. Examples of effective use of models and strategies of student training by American institutions of higher education are given. Five stages of successful person training in American institutions of higher education are proposed. It is summarized that the created structural and functional model is the basis for creating a strategy for the development of an educational institution and will contribute to the high-quality organization of the training of specialists in colleges and universities.
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