Published 2022-08-30
- postcolonial literature, general models of perception, Ukrainian literature and culture, English-speaking world, dialogic relations.
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The article highlights literary models of perception of Ukrainian national literature by the English-speaking cultural community in general and literature as its phenomenon in particular. The principle of interaction between both literatures is subject to the concept of receptive communication. The contacts of English literary material and Ukrainian one with respect to each other are characterized by asymmetry, but there is also a mutual oncoming movement. A look at Ukrainian literature in the British Empire is marked by such concepts as exoticism, stereotypes, peripheral territory, national characteristics, post-colonial world, globalization, interpretation. A full-fledged parity dialogue between the two literatures, which develop on the Slavic and Anglo-Saxon traditions, respectively, has not yet taken place at the moment, but has the potential for successful development and presence in the European cultural landscape in the medium and long term. The article emphasizes that Anglophones read, perceive and comprehend Ukrainian literature differently compared to Ukrainian readers. Thus, one of the long-term goals facing Ukrainian writers, cultural critics and literary critics is the development of aesthetic and semantic intentions, as well as the consistent and meaningful transmission of the ideas of national and state building.
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