Published 2022-08-30
- patient satisfaction,
- healthcare system in Saudi Arabia,
- determinants of satisfaction,
- experiences,
- perceptions
- and expectations ...More
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The main aim of this empirical study is to investigate and assess the degree of patient satisfaction in hospitals in the Al-Qassim region of Saudi Arabia and the primary causes that may contribute to satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the healthcare system. Primary data were acquired from a sample consisting of 292 patients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Al-Qassim region. The level of patient satisfaction with the healthcare system in Al-Qassim region was investigated using a self-administered questionnaire. The main determinants of patient satisfaction in the healthcare system included patient demographics, expectations, perceptions, and experiences. In Al-Qassim region patient experiences and expectations were the most important elements in influencing their satisfaction level. Further, demographics factors have favorable and substantial effects on people's perceptions and behavior regarding their satisfaction level with healthcare services in the Al-Qassim region. This research will aid healthcare administrators, policymakers, paramedical staff, and physicians in identifying the reasons for patient dissatisfaction and considering viable options to improve patient satisfaction levels in the health care system.
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