Vol. 11 No. 52 (2022)

Features of correlation between the rules of international and national law

Andriy Osaulenko
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Oleh Tarasov
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.
Mariia Turchina
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.
Nataliia Sviderska
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Nina Doroshchuk
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Published 2022-05-29


  • implementation, interaction, international law, national law, rule of law.

How to Cite

Osaulenko, A., Tarasov, O., Turchina, M., Sviderska, N., & Doroshchuk, N. (2022). Features of correlation between the rules of international and national law. Amazonia Investiga, 11(52), 135–141. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.52.04.14


The purpose of the article is to determine the nature and features of the rules of international and national law, as well as their differences. The subject matter of the study is the correlation between the rules of international and national law. The research methodology includes the use of the following scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, formal and dogmatic, system and structural, hermeneutic, synergetic. Results of the study. The concept of the rule of law is analyzed and its features are outlined. The concepts of rules of national law and rules of international law are provided. The differences between the rules of international and national law are revealed. The procedure for ensuring the implementation of the rules national and international law is considered. Practical implementation. Some problematic issues arising from the interaction of rules of international and national law are investigated. Value / originality. Emphasis is placed on the need for interaction of rules of international and national law to improve the national legal system.


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