Published 2022-04-20
- socio-economic rights, individual rights, Covid-19, ecological development.
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The article shows the review of legislative restrictions in European countries which deal with the limitations of the socio-economic rights of the population. The research aims to analyze the limits of human and civil rights and freedoms in modern conditions and directly related relations based on the study and generalization of the doctrinal heritage of legal science, current European legislation, and practice of its application. The article highlights the critical analysis of scientists' opinions on the formation and limitation of socio-economic rights, makes a general assessment of the legislative regulation of this issue. As a result, the features of legislative protection of human rights in European countries, the place of socio-economic rights in the general human rights, and their importance for the socio-economic development of society are shown. Furthermore, the main principles of legislative regulation and practical restrictions are shown: the supreme source of law, indivisibility, and interrelatedness of rights, the doctrine of the supreme public right over the individual one, the principle of formation of rights and restrictions under the national specifics. All this allowed, as a result, to make a comparative analysis of the positive and negative experience of state regulation of socio-economic rights and summarize the conclusion that ensuring social and economic rights of some people can create prerequisites for the formation of socio-economic restrictions for others. In such situations, the state must perform a controlling function, which will ensure a balance between the rights of some parties and the limits of others.
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