Vol. 11 No. 51 (2022)

Digitalization of economies of low and middle income countries in the context of digital transformation

Tetiana Kulinich
viv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management of Organizations, Ukraine.

Yuliia Lisnievska
"Dnipro academy of continuing education" of Dnipropetrovsk regional council", Ukraine.
Author Biography

Сandidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Law, Educational and scientific institute of management, Communal institution of higher education "Dnipro academy of continuing education" of Dnipropetrovsk regional council", Ukraine.

Yuliia Zimbalevska
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Department of Marketing and Communication Design, Ukraine.

Tetiana Trubnik
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Associate professor, PhD, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Statistics, Ukraine.

Svitlana Obikhod
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Assistant Professor, PhD in Economics, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine.

Published 2022-04-20


  • digital technologies, digitalization of the economy, innovative transformations, structural transformations, transformation of the economy.

How to Cite

Kulinich, T., Lisnievska, Y., Zimbalevska, Y., Trubnik, T., & Obikhod, S. (2022). Digitalization of economies of low and middle income countries in the context of digital transformation. Amazonia Investiga, 11(51), 300–311. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.51.03.30


The article aims to quantify the relationship of the introduction of digital technologies on innovation, structural transformation of low- and middle-income economies through the correlation analysis of indicators of technological development (productivity of sectors) and structural transformation of Uzbekistan and Ukraine ( share of value-added and employment of sectors of the economy) for 1991-2019 to assess the relationship between technology and structural shifts through the channels of value-added and employment. It is revealed that Ukraine and Uzbekistan have undergone structural transformations of the economy in favor of the service sector, while the agricultural and industrial sectors produce less and less. If Uzbekistan remains the industrial-agrarian country with an aggregate share of the added value of these sectors 59% in 2019, Ukraine transits to the post-industrial type of economy where the added value of the service sector in GDP grows (55% compared to agrarian and industrial sectors at 42%).


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