Vol. 11 No. 51 (2022)

Peculiarities of conducting investigative actions during the investigation of criminal activity of leaders of criminal groups

Valerii Tishchenko
National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).

Dmytro Tsekhan
National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).

Iryna Tesliuk
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Ph.D., Head of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies at Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Serhii Chumak
National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine).

Ruslan Yatskevych
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine).
Author Biography

Ph.D., Doctoral student of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine).

Published 2022-04-20


  • crime, punishment, separate investigative action, leader of the criminal community, investigation.

How to Cite

Tishchenko, V., Tsekhan, D., Tesliuk, I., Chumak, S., & Yatskevych, R. (2022). Peculiarities of conducting investigative actions during the investigation of criminal activity of leaders of criminal groups. Amazonia Investiga, 11(51), 210–219. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.51.03.20


Investigation of criminally relevant events as a process of cognition has its own long-established and legally established tools that provide solutions to problems within specific proceedings, and general tasks defined by procedure law. The core of such tools is the relevant system of investigative and covert investigative actions. Given the significant role of leaders of criminal groups in the organization of illegal activity, it is urgent to study the features of individual search actions in the investigation of illegal activities of leaders of criminal groups. The work aims to study the peculiarities of conducting individual search actions during the investigation of criminal activities of leaders of criminal groups. The research methodology consists of such methods as comparative-legal, formal logic, empirical, cognitive, analogy method, structural-functional method, and systematic method. The attention will be paid to the types of behavior of such leaders and possible ways of interrogation, search, etc. concerning such persons. In particular, it was noted that some investigative actions against such persons require a creative approach within the procedural requirements.


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