Published 2022-04-20
- Instructional design, flipped classrooms, flipped learning, postgraduate students, blackboard.
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This study aims to determine the impact of using the flipped classroom approach through Blackboard, to enhance students’ instructional design skills, and identify any challenges that may limit this us.
The study was carried out at the Northern Border University in Saudi Arabia in academic year 2020/2021, with ten students on the Instructional Design Course. The study uses a mixed methods approach, employing both a quantitative research method (test), and a qualitative method (semi-structured interviews).
The study produced several results, the most important of which being the effectiveness of using flipped classrooms in the development of instructional design skills. The study reveals a set of challenges that may limit the use of the flipped classrooms strategy through Blackboard, split into three sections. The first section includes the challenges relating to faculty members. The second section comprises the challenges relating to students. The third section incorporates external challenges.
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