Russian version of cultural federalism



Mots-clés :

ethnic culture, ethnos, cultural federalism, ethnic federalism, globalization, multiculturalism, ethnomodernity.


This article proposes a vision of the idea of “cultural federalism” contributing to the stability of ethnic culture in the era of assimilation by mass culture and global unification, revitalizing the meanings of modernity, enriching the multinational synergy of Russian culture, overcoming capitalist alienation and disintegration of multiculturalism. Methods of analysis and comparison are used in ethnocultural dynamics, mastering such symbolic conquests as “federalism” in the paradigm of modernity, which fits into the process of ethnocultural modernization.

The novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the concept of cultural federalism vs ethnic federalism, as the most appropriate for the modern cultural situation in Russia, the cultural capital of which is multinational and, accordingly, the effect of “Russian multiculturalism” that can oppose secession with an integration trend, reanimate the cooperative effect of the interaction of cultural programs, their complementarity.

The authors are interested in the dialectical self-development of historical and cultural differences of the subjects of the federation entering the era of natural modernization, reflected in the ethnic cultural renaissance of the present. The idea of cultural federalism contributes to the development of the Russian national idea, the absence of which reduces the effect of national consolidation and socio-economic development. It is proposed as a tool for solving the problem of "sleeping federalism" and the dialectical contradiction between the form and content of the present state of ethnic federalism.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Aleksei G. Pudov, Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Russian.

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Russian.

Maria I. Koryakina, Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Russian.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Russian.


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Comment citer

Pudov, A. G., & Koryakina, M. I. (2022). Russian version of cultural federalism. Amazonia Investiga, 11(50), 89–98.


