• Marzhan U. Suleibanova Russian Language Department, Chechen State University
  • Kheda R. Salмurzaeva Department of Chechen Philology, Chechen State University, Rusia
  • Inna B. Bachalova Chechen State University, Rusia
  • Birlant R. Zakrailova Chechen State University, Rusia
Keywords: derivation, compounding, composition, typology, Nakh languages, languages of different systems


The article investigates the Nakh composites in typological perspective. Based on the linguistic material of various languages, the authors identified similarities and differences in the structure of languages that are of a general nature and, therefore, cover a wide range of homogeneous features. Studies of word formation in the Nakh and languages of different systems allow to conclude that the following general methods are used to form new lexical units (words): a) the derivation, б) compounding


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Author Biographies

Marzhan U. Suleibanova, Russian Language Department, Chechen State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department, Chechen State

Kheda R. Salмurzaeva, Department of Chechen Philology, Chechen State University, Rusia

Associate Professor, Department of Chechen Philology, Chechen State University

Inna B. Bachalova, Chechen State University, Rusia

Candidate of Philology, Acting Chair of the Russian Language, Chechen State University

Birlant R. Zakrailova, Chechen State University, Rusia

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department, Chechen State University


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How to Cite
Suleibanova, M., SalмurzaevaK., Bachalova, I., & Zakrailova, B. (2019). TYPOLOGICAL FEATURES OF WORD FORMATION IN LANGUAJES OF DIFFERENT SYSTEM. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 10-16. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/187
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