Methods of improving the system of motivation of the university teaching staff



Mots-clés :

labor motivation, incentives, education, faculty, motivation factors.


The purpose of the article is a systematic scientific study of the most optimal methods for motivating personnel of higher educational institutions and their improvement, taking into account the economic state of the country and the specifics of the processes of social transformation, which formed the basis for the development of methodological and practical recommendations.

The main research methods were information retrieval methods, universal scientific methods, including methods of comparative and factor analysis, detailing, synthesis, generalization.

This publication examines the methods of motivation and incentives for the teaching staff of universities, which are in demand for use in the transition to the forms of blended and e-learning, along with the use of traditional approaches; a method for calculating the fund of surcharges, allowances and other incentive payments to the teaching staff is proposed, reflecting the relationship and mutual influence of workload, remuneration and surcharges, an objective assessment of work with the volume of work actually performed, overtime work, scientific work, the introduction of modern methods and technologies of teaching allows you to optimally distribute funds to motivate the teaching staff.

The materials of the article will be of interest to scientific and practical workers, graduate students and students.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Alexey Alexeyevich Kuzubov, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Aleskandr Nikolaevich Maksimenko, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Olga Yurievna Malinina, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Anna Vladimirovna Fedorkova, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia.


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Comment citer

Kuzubov, A. A., Maksimenko, A. N., Malinina, O. Y., & Fedorkova, A. V. (2021). Methods of improving the system of motivation of the university teaching staff. Amazonia Investiga, 10(48), 274–287.


