Unified procurement information system to control intergovernmental cooperation





intergovernmental cooperation, legal regulation, public procurement, digitalization, Unified Procurement Information System (UPIS).


This paper concentrates on the prospects for the intergovernmental cooperation which can create a stable basis for improving existing information tools and setting up the innovative means of legal regulation in the field of digital public procurement. The purpose of the study is to propose a modern model for the state regulation of procurement activities. The study supports the idea of the universal digital transformation of public procurement systems all over the world. It is also supposed to demonstrate what problems a newly developed model, aimed at introducing well-based digital public procurement, might face at the legislative level. The dataset has been obtained using dialectical, logical, comparative, and legal research methods. The tools used to assess the possibility of developing an legal regulation model in the field of public procurement can be applied by public authorities in various countries and international communities. 


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Author Biography

Marina V. Shmeleva, Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia.

Assistant professor Civil Law Department Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia.


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How to Cite

Shmeleva, M. V. (2021). Unified procurement information system to control intergovernmental cooperation. Amazonia Investiga, 10(48), 248–253. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.48.12.26


