Loan words and Internet expressions in Chinese linguistics




Chinese language, linguistic picture of the world, Internet language, loan words, translation.


The article examines loan words and modern Internet language in Chinese, the method of their translation, the mechanism of their transformation into stable expressions of the normative language. With the development of globalization and information technology, some neologisms and new expressions appear in the Chinese language. The study of this problem allows us to show the dynamic nature of the language, to consider the interaction of language and the development of society. The goals and objectives of the study are to identify the semantic volume of some loan words in the Chinese language, to analyze the impact of translation on the linguistic picture of the world, to explore new expressions associated with information science. For the study, an associative experiment is carried out among Chinese respondents, language fragments from the media and the corpus of the modern Chinese language are analyzed. It is indicated that when entering into the Chinese linguistic composition, foreign-language words and the Internet language are often given a Chinese mentality and worldview. Different translation methods will have a certain impact on the cognition and world outlook of native Chinese speakers.


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Author Biography

Luan Luan, RUDN University, Russia.

PhD student, RUDN University, Russia.


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How to Cite

Luan, L. (2021). Loan words and Internet expressions in Chinese linguistics. Amazonia Investiga, 10(46), 201–208.


