Published 2021-10-29
- drama, dramatic action, personage, personage’s fictional consciousness, a play.
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The objective of the article is to outline the correlations between the usage of the elements of the absurdist aesthetics, different artistic paradoxes and methods of modelling the fictional consciousness of personage. The aim of research is to define internal and external dimensions of personage’s fictional consciousness construction with the help of the cognitive literary studies methodology. The methodology of cognitive literary criticism is the basis for the analysis of modelling principles, applied in the research of personage’s fictional consciousness in I. Kostetskyi’s play “The Twins Will Meet Again”. Thus, the study of the play is based on actualization of cognitive phenomena and establishing their correlations with forms of artistic reflection. The cognitive method is used to determine the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the character’s fictional consciousness in the dramatic work. The poetics of the absurd in a drama defines agglutinative forms of reflection of the personages’ fictional consciousness.
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