Vol. 10 No. 43 (2021)

Legal responsibility for vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine and other countries

Kostiantyn Hromovenko
International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor, Rector of the International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.

Raisa Minchenko
NGO "Legal Dimension", Ukraine.
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Chairman of the NGO "Legal Dimension", Ukraine.

Ganna Sarybaieva
National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine).
Author Biography

Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor or the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine).

Yurii Batan
National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine).
Author Biography

Assistant Professor of the department of constitutional law, National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine)

Daria Minchenko
JSC "Jurline", Ukraine.
Author Biography

Ph.D, Master of the Queen Mary University of London, Lawyer of JSC "Jurline", Ukraine.

Published 2021-08-31


  • vaccination, COVID-19, legal responsibility, legal rights, Ukraine.

How to Cite

Hromovenko, K., Minchenko, R., Sarybaieva, G., Batan, Y., & Minchenko, D. (2021). Legal responsibility for vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine and other countries. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 264–271. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.26


This article analyzes the liability that may arise in case of refusal to receive a COVID-19 vaccine shot, as well as vaccination-related problems in Ukraine and worldwide. We focused on the international and Ukrainian situation regarding the COVID-19 vaccination process. We also considered the legal framework on this issue. The main task of the study was to determine whether there is a liability, including criminal liability, for refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, the nuances, and the legal basis of this process. The research methodology includes general scientific and special scientific methods, such as systemic, structural, formal-legal, hermeneutic, and methods of analysis and synthesis. We found that COVID-19 vaccination is currently voluntary but not mandatory in Ukraine. At the same time, according to legal documents, vaccination against several diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, measles, polio, tetanus, and tuberculosis is mandatory. Practically, this means that those who are subject to such preventive vaccinations may be subject to sanctions in the form of dismissal for refusing to vaccinate. Only a few foreign countries currently use mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for the entire adult population. More common is mandatory vaccination of certain categories of workers, including health workers, social workers, essential workers, civil servants, and others who are in close contact with people or whose health and well-being are of particular importance to national security.


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