Local self-government in public and private law: latest experience





local self-government, private law, public law, cooperation, interconnection, opposites.


Local self-government is one of the major institutions of civil society. Most democracies in the world have a developed system of local self-government, to which a number of state functions are delegated. To characterize this institution and clarify its inherent features of private and public law, it is necessary to study modern systems of local self-government and theoretical achievements in the field of private and public law. The work aims to analyze local self-government given the features inherent in public and private law. The object of research is local self-government in public and private law. The following methods were used during the study: analysis of regulations, articles and monographs, comparisons, abstractions, analogies, and generalizations. The study of the question of the attribution of local self-government as a subject of law to private and public law revealed a number of features that are characteristic of both public and private law. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the main characteristics of the system of local self-government in the world are determined, in particular, on the example of such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France, and Japan. Based on the theoretical achievements of legal scholars on private and public law, it was possible to identify their differences, basic features and, on this basis, to conclude that local government is characterized by features of both private and public law.


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Biografia do Autor

Boris Perezhniak, National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Ukraine. 

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of Constitutional Law Department of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Ukraine. 

Alina Hryshchuk, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Legal Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Iryna Menso, Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Senior Lecturer of Civil and Labor Law Department, Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Kristina Strukova, Lawyer, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Lawyer, Ukraine.

Arkadii Nazarko, National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Constitutional Law Department of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Perezhniak, B., Hryshchuk, A., Menso, I., Strukova, K., & Nazarko, A. (2021). Local self-government in public and private law: latest experience. Amazonia Investiga, 10(41), 211–223. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.21


