Vol. 10 No. 41 (2021)

Cultural and aesthetic development of elementary school students in environmental education as a current pedagogical problem

Irina Aryabkina
Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Russian Federation.
Tatiana Kudashova
Zaokskaya school for high-demand students, Russian Federation.
Alexander Bulynin
Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.
Fatima Aliphanova
Chechen State University, Russian Federation.
Elena Silantyeva
Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.

Published 2021-06-29


  • cultural and aesthetic development, elementary school students, environmental education.

How to Cite

Aryabkina, I., Kudashova, T., Bulynin, A., Aliphanova, F., & Silantyeva, E. (2021). Cultural and aesthetic development of elementary school students in environmental education as a current pedagogical problem. Amazonia Investiga, 10(41), 151–159. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.15


The purpose of the article is to analyze such a problem of pedagogical science at the present stage as the cultural and aesthetic development of primary school children in environmental education. The article reveals the essential and content characteristics of the concepts "cultural development", "aesthetic culture"," environmental education"," ecological culture","cultural and aesthetic development of primary school children in environmental education". The cultural and aesthetic development of primary school children in environmental education is considered as a way of forming a harmonious, integral, truly intelligent, civilized and spiritual personality. The article presents the materials, methods, pedagogical conditions, the results of an experiment to determine the level of cultural and aesthetic development of primary school children in environmental education through familiarity with the natural world, as well as the tasks facing the modern primary school to form the cultural and aesthetic development of primary school children in environmental education.


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