Viability assessment of supplementary vocational education institutions based on staff satisfaction analysis




Supplementary vocational education, institution viability, criteria for institution viability assessment, integrated management system, educational services.


The tasks associated with the viability assessment of an organization are relevant for most companies in the current market environment. This can be explained by the fact that the solution of these problems makes it possible to see the state of the enterprise, its possible potential prospects at this juncture, to determine the further strategy, areas of work for successful long-term functioning in the future. The article is concerned with the study of the relevant measurable criteria required for the viability assessment of supplementary vocational education institutions. The methodological basis of the study includes the management concept based on a balanced scorecard, as well as a problem-oriented approach, taking into account the specifics of the activities of institutions providing supplementary vocational education services. Eight groups of criteria for viability assessment of supplementary vocational education institutions with specific indicators have been identified and a scale for their measurement has been proposed. The correspondence of these groups of criteria within the components of the integrated management system has been shown. The satisfaction with the work of staff in the institution is analyzed herein based on the results of a survey of employees for two years.


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Author Biographies

Airat Akhmetshin, State University of Management, Russian.

PhD student, Department of Management in International Business and Tourism Industry, State University of Management, Russian.

Ulfat Zinnurov, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian.

Professor, Doctor of Economics, Department of Management and Marketing, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian.


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How to Cite

Akhmetshin, A., & Zinnurov, U. (2021). Viability assessment of supplementary vocational education institutions based on staff satisfaction analysis. Amazonia Investiga, 10(40), 84–92.


