Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine




cyber socialization, cyberspace, adolescents, adolescence, psychocorrection.


In the work the authors provides a statistical analysis of the problem, considers possible measures for the prevention and correction of cyber addictions among the younger generation. Proposed: a scheme of interaction in the formation of media culture; a preventive cyber addiction prophylaxis scheme; a number of practical recommendations on the peculiarities of socialization of adolescents with cyber-addiction are described; the basic principles of working with cyber-addicts are highlighted. It is emphasized that the ways of overcoming cyber-addictions should have a socio-psychological direction aimed at: correction of behavioral deficiencies; changing the life program so that a person has the opportunity to satisfy his needs focusing not on the virtual environment, but on the surrounding reality; developing the ability to establish constructive relationships with people around; displacing being in cyberspace from leading activities; normalization of emotional response to difficult life situations.


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Author Biographies

Yuliia Asieieva, Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

PhD, Head of the Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Disciplines of the Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

Oleg Druz, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head psychiatrist of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, colonel of medical service, Head of the Psychiatric Clinic (with rooms for drug addicted) of National Military Medical Clinical Centre "Main Military Clinical Hospital" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ukraine.

Hanna Kozhyna, Kharkiv National Medical UniversityUkraine.

Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, PhD, MSc, MD Head of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology and Social Work of Kharkiv National Medical UniversityUkraine.

Inna Chernenko, "Main Military Clinical Hospital"of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major of medical service, Ukraine.

PhD, doctor of the Psychiatric Clinic (with rooms for drug-addicted) of National Military Medical Clinical Centre "Main Military Clinical Hospital"of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major of medical service, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Asieieva, Y., Druz, O., Kozhyna, H., & Chernenko, I. (2021). Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 10(40), 17–28.


